Modernization Assessment





Plan the work. Work the plan.

Finance & Accounting Modernization and Efficiency Assessment


Our comprehensive Modernization Assessment serves as a launchpad, offering a deep dive discovery session into your current financial systems to identify areas of efficiency and opportunities for improvement. Through a collaborative session, processes are refined to align with best practices and unique goals, ensuring seamless integration with a modern platform and a roadmap that aligns with your goals.

Customer Success Story


Curious about what an on-site Assessment involves? Hear from Yvonne Alaniz-Carpentier, Chief Financial Officer at First Financial Credit Union, about how her team benefited from facilitated conversations that led to new efficiencies and process improvements, not just in the accounting department but throughout the entire credit union.

The Assessment is highly valuable, not only from a learning perspective but also from an implementation perspective. We work with your team to ensure that you’re best positioned for a seamless integration onto a new platform.


Digital Transformation Can Lead to Greater Success


When you choose BPW, our team will listen to your specific needs and offer solutions to provide actual value-adds for your business. We are committed to putting your progress first.

Whether you’re considering an upgrade, integrating new functionalities, or simply assessing the current ERP system for efficiency, a Modernization Assessment paves the way with a strategic framework forward.

Modernization Assessment Agenda


Providing support every step along the way

“Although everyone promises it, BPW truly follows through with everything.”

Horizon Credit Union


Our team is well versed in navigating the complexities of implementation, planning for the unexpected, and achieving a successful transition to a new system—on time, on budget.


Customizations can enhance the foundational features of Acumcatica to align with your unique operational needs, leading to a smarter and more streamlined way to run your business.


Partnering with BPW’s support team means that you can focus on the core operations of your business, knowing that our certified consultants are always in your corner.

Featured Resource

Download the ERP Evaluation Checklist to compare features and benefits of ERP vendors across five categories.
